Sunday, July 27, 2008

It got me thinking of other bad words out there that are used to racially stereotype people. We all know some of the common ones, like Cracker, Heeb, Gook, Jew, Dot Head, Spic, etc. However there’s a whole shitload of such words out there. I recently came across a whole listing of such words and their meanings recently (thanks to Whore Church for providing the link below)

Some the ones that jumped out at me as being particularly amusing and ones that I’ll have to immediately add to my repertoire include:

Arf. Short for African Rock Fish. Jones Beach (NYC) term for Blacks due to their poor swimming abilities.

Bandwidth Nigger/Whore. Represents Asians who, instead of using the Asian video game servers they are assigned, jump to a US server and hog the bandwidth of US users.

Bruised Banana. Used to make fun of Asians who act black.

Bruised bananas have a whole new meaning!

Cashews. Used to insult Catholic Jews. Mainly, the children of a Jew and a Catholic. (ha, guess that makes me a Cashew then! Sweet…I guess it’s better than being called a cracker!)

Cheese Eater. Used by the German to make fun of the Dutch’s fondness of eating cheese.

Chink-a-billy. Half Chinese, half hillbilly.

Cowfuck. White Farmers in the fields getting intimate with their animals

Dicksuckinflog. 16th Century term for Dutch prostitutes accused of witchcraft.

Dusty Nuts. Insult to Arabs living in the desert.

Hey Dusty Nuts…yeah, I’m talking to youz

Fog Nigger. British Blacks. The weather is usually foggy in Britain.

Fruit-Picker The Mexicans who cross the border often pick fruit, usually for pennies an hour. Often, when it is time to give the illegal aliens their meager wages, the plantation owner calls the border patrol to send them back.

Goldberg. Common Jewish name. Also has slight money-related reference.

Half-Dick. Jewish circumcision reference.

Heinz. Any mix of races. From the label on the ketchup bottle reading “57 Varieties.”

Herring Choker. Scandinavians are known for eating lots of fish.

Jackamammy. Combination of ‘jack rabbit’ and ‘Aunt Jamima.’ People have said that jack rabbits looked like ‘lynched’ black people.

Jewgaboo. A Jewish person that acts or tries to act like a black person or is half black.

Would you call Matisyahu, the Jewish Rapper a Jewgaboo? Perhaps Destiny’s Child can rename their song to Jewgaboo instead of Bugaboo? Get on that Beyonce

Katzenfresser. German slur towards Italians meaning “cat eater”.

Knuckle-Dragger. Often believed that black people have longer arms than other races and therefore their knuckles would drag.

Melon Johnny. Italian slang for Blacks.

Moss Eater. White trash in the Pacific Northwest.

Muppetfucker. Backwoods inbred rednecks of the U.S. south are called muppetfuckers because they look like Muppets. (one of my personal new favorites btw).

Were the muppets just in-bred birthing defects from the South?

Pickaninny. From the days of slavery. Three possible origins: The slave owners would “pick a nincompoop” from the lineup of slaves; or the slave children who couldn’t pick cotton “ain’t pickaninny”; in some parts of the south, breasts are referred to as ninnys, so pickaninny was a reference to blacks being used as wetnurses.

Pretendian. Native Americans who claim to be pure, but are just mixed-breeds. I suppose this could refer to any mixed -ian race.

Roofucker. Kangaroo-fucker. Australian version of Sheepfucker. Used often on USENET and other internet forums.

This child is a no good Roofucker

Swamp Kike. It has been said that Cajuns are the Jews of Louisiana because of their propensity for commerce and finance. The slur is used by any non-Cajun, Black and White alike.

Three-Fifth. In reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov’t decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons.

Umlungu. Zulus called whites this, meaning the white scum that forms in the surf.

Yelvis. Yellow Elvis. Asians with pompadours. Plural: Yelvi.

Needless to say this guy is a Yelvis?

Those are just some of the fun ones I came across. For the complete list please go to: Racial Terms & Origins

1 comment:

Freddy, NOTLP Crew said...

Those were hilarious! It's amazing how we label one another; sometimes these slurs are just awful, and other times they make me piss myself laughing.